Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lazy, Lazy Dayz

Today was just one of those days. You know the kind where no one gets out of their Pajamas until it is time to change into new ones for the night. I was awoken to David telling me that the Air Conditioner repair man was here - he was in the hallway right outside our bedroom. That kept me in my room with Mayah for the next hour or so. David got the boys all up, bathed, and fed right away. After I came upstairs and fixed my breakfast the boys were all ready to go down for their first nap. David and I then decided to watch a movie. This would be one of the first times that we had spent just down time together in a long while.

We had a couple of choices that we talked about, I am Legend, Dan in Real Life, Juno (my choice), but we then decided on PS, I Love You. Okay so I would have to say that this is one of the best movies that I have seen in a LONG time. I cried throughout the WHOLE movie. I think that sometimes you just need a good cry. I think that I was also able to get out some of those pregnancy hormones too! If you have not seen this movie, it is a must see.

The rest of the day went really easy, we just had a really nice day. I like it when David has his days off in the middle of the week - The weekends are already so full of things to do, that him working is just one of them. By having a day off in the middle of the week - it is not filled with other things and we are actually able to just veg and not do much except just hang out with our family.

David went to a Youth Staff meeting for just an hour, and while he was there I made meatballs and Angel Hair pasta. I also decided on making a chocolate cake that we had in the pantry. Yummy! We sat and watched American Idol and ate our dinner. David then had to go and get cake frosting since we didn't have any and he didn't want to eat cake with out any. The cake was really yummy. We are now just sitting in bed - each on our own laptop doing misc. things - waiting for Mayah to eat one more time before we call it a night.

Oh - Just some random updates:

David is meeting with the COO of a company this Thursday to discuss possible career opportunities with his company. Please pray that this will all work out and that there will be something that will work for our family and meet our needs. David would really like to get out of Starbucks sooner rather than later.

Also totally random: my ears have been pierced ever since I was 10 or something. Well tonight - no clue why - my ear is like infected. It is all gross and red and pussy and stuff. So weird.

Well I am going to call it a night.


debi9kids said...

I LOVED that movie!
So glad that you got to get some good quality time in! YEAH!

Tonya Staab said...

I still haven't seen that movie and really really want to.

I can just picture you two sitting up in bed with laptops doing your thing :).

Tell David I said good luck and hope that something does come out of the meeting.

Okay, ewww gross about your ear. Hope it clears up soon.