Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mayah's 1 Month Check Up

I do have to say that today was a good day! Although it started really early - you know the kind of day that you really can't tell when the night before ended and the new day began. Mayah got a bath after my shower - I LOVE the smell of a freshly washed baby! Donned her cute outfit - have I mentioned yet that I falling in love with dressing a little girl - and got ready for her first appointment with a new Dr that my friend Angela led me to. David stayed home with the boys and Jessica and I headed off with Mayah - late of course! Our appointment was at 10:30 and we arrived at 10:40 - and that was just with one of the kids - Lets hope that if we have to take more we make it in time (like the brothers tomorrow)! I had already downloaded all of the paperwork needed for new patients and had it filled it out for everyone - so I didn't need to arrive early for that.

We were then taken back into our room and got the wonderful stats on Mayah - she is a whopping 8 lbs 4 ozs - The boob juice is working!!! She is also now 21 1/2 inches long - that could very well be a miss-measure because I don't know if she really grew almost 2 inches in 5 weeks. Overall, other than a cold, she is doing extremely well. For once I didn't get "lectured" for letting her sleep on her back - Just warned of the risks of SIDS. I do understand the risks - but all of my kids have been tummy sleepers.

Here is a checklist of things that she should be doing between birth and 3 months - I have checked off everything that she is doing now. I do have to add that she is consistently rolling over from her tummy to her back too - oh and actively trying to crawl! She can scoot from one side of our bed to the other or from one part of the floor to the other! She is just a very active little girl!

Well that it about all of an update that I can muster tonight. Tomorrow we have the Brothers 18 month check up so I will update on that tomorrow! Good night and lots of sleep to all!

Social and Emotional



Hearing and Speech

1 comment:

debi9kids said...

Well done mama! Sounds like you are doing a great job!