Here is another answer to a question that was posed to me from my blog asking if there were questions. Does that make any sense?
Julie asked: What do you do to alleviate hip/back pain from laying down 24/7? I really am dying to know since I'm aching and figure you've been at this longer than me.
Well I would like to know the answer to this one too! Really the only thing that I find that brings some temp relief is to get on my hands and knees. I will get like this a few times a day. I have also been known to prop some pillows up under me so that I am resting on my knees and those pillows - as weird as it sounds it is actually a pretty comfortable position. A few other things this has helped without really knowing about it - passing gas (sad but true!) and flipping little bit from breech to head down. For some reason breech babies don't like this position.
I also sit on a heating pad 3 times or so a day. This helps the lower back pain and it also helps to heal the scar tissue from my 17P injections. When laying on your side if you put a pillow under your growing belly and then one under your hip that is against the bed - so that your hip in on the pillow and not the bed - it helps relieve some pressure as well.
Hope you are able to find some relief :)
Were you able to get any sleep last night with the Ambien? Hope so!!
Thanks Shannon! I'm going to try these tips :)
Shan, Just make sure you stess to Julie that too much heat from a heat pad can cause more contractions.
I found while on bedrest that switching from side to side helps as well, with a pillow under my knees. (plus lying on your side is actually better for keeping contrax at bay)
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